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Back In stride again program
The Back In Stride Again Program assists formerly incarcerated individuals within our community, we have a disciplined and trained staff that helps our program participants come back from their setback, to live better than they previously did getting them ready for Society, Integrity, and Accountability.
- The purpose of our program is to eliminate the 3R's REPEAT, RE-OFFEND, and RETURN.

Program Specifications
Recidivism Prevention
• Provide male and female parolees and their families assistance as they transition back into society within our community.
• Combat disciplined staff will work with clients to instill
civility, integrity and accountability to eradicate the 3R's Repeat, Reoffend, Return.
• Provide meals and support to those homeless previously at John Prince Park and our community.
• Address the needs of those addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Sick & Needy
• Via appointments and delivery, provide food and hygiene supplies etc to those sick and in need in our community.
• Provide financial support for legal issues such as probation fees.
• Address educational needs computer classes.
• Address mental health needs via therapy.
• Provide mentorship.
• Provide employment via Eagle Security/Power Team 500.
• Provide court ordered housing and services to those who have endured lengthy incarceration and/or are in need of services to assist with transitioning back into society which will be offered on an onsite facility equipped with housing.

Testimonies From The Program
"Thank you Pastor Davis for assisting me with my water bill."
- Iris Sampson, April Smith